Quotes from the articles

“I didn’t want to get in trouble, so I never went to the police. I just suffered in silence because I didn’t have anyone to talk to.”

“I just realized that if there’s going to be a change, people need to speak out,”

“Because the school was acting very slowly, that decision was made right before graduation, and he graduated from this university,”

“[He] walked free without being held accountable just like many other perpetrators out there.”

“Silence NEVER favors the victim... The first step in changing rape culture on Winona State’s campus is to simply talk about it. The conversation will be uncomfortable, but it must happen.”

“It is important for students who are survivors and don’t feel comfortable speaking out to be able to hear others stories and know they’re not alone,”

“Seeing how many people have been affected by this and how it has changed their lives really opened my eyes. It made me want to do something about it and I feel like by being at the speak-out, I’m taking a step in that direction.”